Sunnylife announced today three of its OEM Joint Venture Partnerships (Happy CoCo Inc., RainBo Inc., and NuSeasons Inc.) will respectively open three exclusive retail outlets, for a total of 9 retail outlets in Harbin by March, 2006.
In addition, another eighty-one retail outlets are anticipated to be built in nine other areas in China.
In total by 2007, ninety retail outlets sales in ten different areas in China, including Harbin, are anticipated.
This is expected to result in US$1.62 million in new royalty income to Sunnylife.
In addition, sales of Sunnylife products through these anticipated ninety retail outlets are expected to return an additional US$8.44 million in net profit contribution by the end of 2006 and 2007.
Sunnylife Global, Inc. provides a unique and interesting health sciences option for citizens of China. The company has developed a Health Care Management System (HCMS) in conjunction with Chinese agencies. The company has 8 multiple-hospital, joint-venture agreements with China to renovate and revitalize certain of its Level 2 hospital facilities (300-500 beds) hospital facilities, under a prepaid HMO format.
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