Shanda is planning to train 100 local Chinese agents to operate five types of its games.
The five games are Ying Xiong Nian Dai, Shen Ji, Meng Huan Guo Du, Re Xue Ying Hao and Shanda Fuweng.
This type of franchise model will be a major operational pattern for Shanda in the coming years, and the company will adopt the pattern for ten types of its games by the end of this year. The franchisee will be responsible for maintaining game servers and maintaining good network protocols.
Shanda requires that each agent must have at least RMB200,000 in startup funds, of which over RMB150,000 covers the server cost.
However, Shanda promises the agents rich returns: the agents of two games Ying Xiong Nian Dai and Shen Ji were said to have made revenue of as much as RMB100,000 each month during the beta test period.
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