The first batch of platinum five-star hotels, which represents the highest grade of luxury hotel of China, will soon be unveiled.
China World Hotel Beijing, The Portman Ritz Carlton Shanghai, and The Garden Hotel Guangzhou are among the first group of hotels that have basically reached the stated standard as a platinum five-star hotel. They will be formally issued a platinum five-star sign this month.
China began rating hotels in 1988. By the end of 2005, the country had 12,024 hotels rated between one to five stars, including 279 five-star hotels, 1,146 four-star hotels and 4,376 three-star hotels. CNTA revised the rating system in 2003, adding platinum five-star as its highest rating.
One of the premier requirements to be a platinum five-star hotel is that it must be a five-star hotel for more than two years and meet higher requirements in terms of both facilities and amenities for guests.
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