Business Climate Survey results of the National Bureau of Statistics of China on 19500 enterprises of all the types in whole country showed that the national business climate index was 146.0 in the second quarter, rising by 6.3 and 10.1 points, respectively, as compared with previous quarter and the same period of previous year.
Compared with the first quarter, the BCIs of transportation, storage and post, as well as wholesale and retail trades, remained at the same level. Compared with the same period of last year, the BCIs of mining industry kept the same level, while that of other industries all kept growing.
The BCI of all enterprises by status of registration was increasing. The BCIs of state-owned enterprises, collective-owned enterprises, share-holding cooperative enterprises, limited liability corporation, share-holding corporations limited, private enterprises, foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises with funds from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan was 143.6, 114.2, 125.4, 143.6, 162.2, 134.5 and 147.8, respectively. Compared with the first quarter, the BCIs of collective-owned enterprises declined, while that of other status of enterprises increased.
The BCIs of eastern, central and western regions advanced at the same pace of 150.2, 143.5 and 140.1, respectively, up by 5.5 points as compared with the first quarter, and increased between 7.8 and 12.0 points year-on-year.
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