Attracted by the great potential of China's retailing market, Dubai's retailing giant Landmark will come to China and open six retailing stores in Shanghai and its surrounding areas in the coming year.
Of the six stores, four will be Babyshop, a retailing store that is engaged in selling kids' apparel, and the other two will be Homecenter that sells furniture and home furnishings. Landmark will invest US$25 million in the China market in the initial period.
Landmark plans to open a Babyshop store in Shanghai in September, which will be the company's first store in China.
Set up in 1970's, Landmark now has more than 600 Babyshop stores across the world with an annual business revenue of more than US$2 billion.
Statistics show that each year China will have 20-30 million newborn babies, and each Chinese mainland family will spend about RMB900 each month for their toddlers.
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