The National Bureau of Statistics of China has issued its latest Business Climate Survey results.
After surveying 19500 enterprises of all the types throughout the nation, the national business climate index was 144.7 in the third quarter, slightly decreasing over the second quarter, while 8.0 points of higher over the same period of previous year.
The BCIs of information transfer computer services and software, wholesale and retail trades reached a new highest level at 160.0 and 154.7; that of construction, transportation, storage and post, real estate, social services, lodging and catering achieved 143.2, 139.2, 140.3, 139.0 and 130.2, respectively. Industrial enterprises was 144.0, in which that of mining industry, manufacturing, and production and supply of electricity, gas and water was 160.1, 142.2 and 149.9, respectively.
Compared with the second quarter, the BCIs of transportation, storage and post, wholesale and retail trades, social services, information transfer computer services and software, as well as production and supply of electricity, gas and water kept growing; that of construction, real estate, lodging and catering remained the general level; that of mining industry and manufacturing slightly decreased. While that all industries had some extent of improvement comparing with the same period of last year.
The BCI of share-holding limited companies kept fast pace with 156.7 and continuously occupied first place in all enterprises by status of registration for six quarters. The BCIs of state-owned enterprises, collective-owned enterprises, share-holding cooperative enterprises, limited liability corporation, private enterprises, foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises with funds from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan was 143.6, 118.9, 128.9, 141.6, 136.1 and 150.1, respectively.
The BCIs of eastern, central and western regions still stayed at a high level at 148.7, 141.6 and 139.7, respectively. Compared with the second quarter, the BCIs of western regions remained the general level, and that of the eastern and central regions decreased slightly; while that of all those regions was apparently higher as compared with the same period of last year.
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