Based on the newly revised nationwide laws, Xinhua reports that Guangdong province has enacted a new measure starting to further address and protect women's rights.
There are several highlights of this local regulation. First, it defines the harm done to women's spirits and the related punishment to be given to the violators. Second, it stipulates that companies are obligated to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Third, it clarifies the legal rights of rural women who are married in another place. Finally, it details and defines gender discrimination in employment.
The Xinhua reort says some experts have been cited as saying that part of the new measure's clauses are innovative and part of them are highly targeted so it will play an important role in solving women right problems.
Other legal experts reportedly believe that family violence will decline after the implementation of the measure which says that all citizens have the right to stop and report family violence and the concerned departments are entitled to dissuade this kind of enormity by helping the victim collect and provide evidence, or setting up shelter for the victims.
At present, there are up to 300,000 women and their children in the Pearl River Delta region who are facing discrimination because they are married in a different town or village. The new measure stipulates that no organization or individual shall force this group of women to move their hukou registration as a result of marriage, divorce, or death of a spouse.
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