Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

New Market Environment For Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort

Huizhou, China (November 6, 2008) / — Following the hot summer, the hotel market of Xunliao Bay in Huizhou would enter a low season for the second half year as before. With the winter days drawing nearer, how will the high level Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort with subtropical theme change this situation for the global economy in current depression circumstances? Today, Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort welcomed its first group meeting of multinational company EPCOS in the autumn-winter season. Developing in the Pearl River Delta and targeting international conferences have become a brand new operation mode in Xunliao Bay.

EPCOS was floated simultaneously on the Frankfurt and New York Stock Exchanges on October 15, 1999. The listed company emerged from Siemens Matsushita Components, a joint venture founded in 1989 by Siemens and Matsushita. Since March 2003, EPCOS has been one of the largest companies in the TecDAX index of German technology stocks. This time in Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort, the company has held an expansion meeting of all teams in Great China region.

The company's organizers said that an international company has lots of group meetings every year, and EPCOS selected Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort considering specific factors such as traffic, environment and facilities. If the company chose a hotel in Sanya or Bali, the expenses for round-trip flights and meeting space rental under the same conditions as Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort would not be the best choice under the entire economy circumstance at present. An effective meeting and brand services with persistence and high efficiency are vital to a company, and it can ensure all participators rejuvenate themselves and improve team coordination, thus to get more effective communications and cooperation through a group meeting. The high-quality meeting facilities and environment offered by Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort can quite meet our requirements. There are a total of 172 persons participating in this meeting, and all of them showed active involvement and attitude toward the meeting held in the seaside area.

The management of Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort said that it will take advantage of its international brand image and strong sales network to develop in the Huizhou market, and the winter in South China seems like a spring for the northern area so that it is not a bad choice to hold a meeting here. Due to international economy depression, our resort is also the first choice for the companies that require a high quality and low cost meeting. The facilities include a large ball room, a spa, a beach, a golf course, a tennis field, sea fishing, a hot spring, bicycling, and a traditional village. To keep a pure natural seaside environment has become a supporting factor to host an international group meeting. Meanwhile, the expansion of corporate meetings has also changed the market situation of Xunliao Bay in winter.


  • Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort
    1 Jinhai Road, Xunliao Bay, Huidong, Gguangdong, P.R.China 516367
    Tel: (86 752) 832 8888 Fax: (86 752) 832 8999

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