Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

Kunming Airport Is Site For New Tianlun Hotel Feasibility Study

Beijing, China (April 02, 2010) / — Tianlun International Hotels has been entrusted with a hotel feasibility study report. It is the second large feasibility study task after Capital International Airport No.3 Terminal Building hotels. This time Tianlun takes responsibility for the study on Kunming's new airport hotel.

With new airport, the hotel will greatly relieve increasing pressure of the existing Wu Jiaba airport and enhance the city's image. The hotel is just six hundred meters to the terminal building.

The study will last two months, consisting of chapters as recent and future circumstances of the airport, hotel location and customer segmentation assessment, competitor investigation, hotel positioning survey, hotel construction plan examination, financial rough estimation, ROI forecast and hotel function setup analysis. With the improvement of professional running and management, Tianlun has accumulated ripe experience in large investigations.

Contact Details
  • Tianlun International Hotels
    Anna Wang
    +8610-59070333 EXT. 852

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