China's Ministry of Commerce has published an emergency notice on the setting up of temporary business sites to meet people's basic needs in Yushu, Qinghai, which was hit by severe earthquakes on April 14, 2010.
The notice requires the rapid establishment of temporary business sites to ensure the supply of daily necessities to people in the disaster areas. It encourages enterprises to play positive roles in the earthquake relief activities by providing goods from mobile sales vehicles and tent shops.
The notice emphasizes that companies in neighboring areas, including those around Qinghai province, should support the recovery of commercial sites in the disaster areas.
In addition, the notice orders the launch of a daily reporting system to report information, including the losses of business sites, the recovery process, and casualties in the business system, at 12:00 every day. The ministry will also designate special individuals to keep touch with the infrastructure protection and production recovery team of the ministry to ensure the smooth communications of the reporting system.
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