Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

Corporate Bonds Issuance To Support Suning's Retail Growth In China

To enhance its capital capacity and support the construction of its procurement, logistics, information, and human resources platforms, Chinese electronics and home appliances retailer Suning announced plans to issue up to CNY8 billion in corporate bonds to complement the company's working capital and adjust its debt structure.

According to the report published by the company, the issuance scale and installment method will depend on the company's capital demand and the market condition. The company will not provide priority placement to its shareholders and will directly launch the public issuance.

Suning also said in the report that the company is forming a new business framework, which integrates its Suning chain stores, Laox chain stores and e-commerce website Under this new framework, the company plans to achieve an innovative transformation in corporate operating model and profitability model.

The company's model innovation will lie in three parts. First, it will realize an innovative procurement model, including optimizing relationships with suppliers and increasing the ratio of customized products. Second, it will promote innovation of research and development platforms and accelerate the construction of its cloud service model. Finally, it will improve its logistics operating system.

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