Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

China's Anta Net Profit Up 29% In 2014

Chinese sportswear retailer Anta announced its performance for 2014 and said it had net profit of CNY1.7 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 29%.

Anta realized turnover of CNY8.923 billion in 2014, a year-on-year increase of 22.5% and its gross profit was CNY4.027 billion, a year-on-year increase of 32.5%. The company attributed its growth to the increasing demands for diversified products and cost-effective products. Meanwhile, the company also saw significant increases in children's products, the Fila brand, and e-commerce.

By the end of 2014, Anta had developed 7,622 stores, a slight decrease of 1.7% compared with the 7,757 stores in 2013. At the same time, the number of its children's sportswear stores reached 1,228. The company plans to open at least 300 new children's sportswear stores in 2015.

Anta said that due to the rapid growth of online shopping, the group will continue to develop its e-commerce platform and launch more exclusive products on the Internet. The company will further cooperate with offline distributors to promote the win-win of online stores and physical stores.

Image Credit: mary416

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