Offshore software development company VanceInfo Technologies Inc. will deploy an outsourced development center for China Merchants Bank.
Chris Chen, CEO of VanceInfo, stated, "VanceInfo is committed to building a successful ODC delivery model for CMB to support its continued growth and operational excellence. We look forward to a long term partnership with this strategic client."
VanceInfo has begun establishing the ODC to help develop comprehensive supporting systems and management applications to facilitate CMB's core business, enabling large scale system reengineering and innovation in corporate finance, credit management, risk management and internal auditing.
CMB has a rapidly expanding customer base and over 500 branches in mainland China.
Dear Sir,
Could you please provide me China Merchants Bank's email address. Thank you.
Arun Kumar Shrestha
Kathmandu, Nepal
I need a help, what is the name of merchants bank maneger, guangzhou branch. And emil adress of the branch.
To whom it may concern,
Good day, my name is Tertius Willemse Nel and I am a South African citizen who currently has two registered savings accounts at your bank in China.
One was opened about two years ago in Xi'an (now I believe defunct) and the other was opened last year in Urumqi (which I believe is still active).
Both of these accounts were opened whilst I was a registered teacher in both of these provinces working for two different private schools.
However, recently I have had the unfortunate experience of losing my Urumqi bank account's ATM card whilst I was looking for a job in Ningbo, during the period of 27 and 30 May this year.
After procuring the help from a prospective employer I was told that the only way to get my bank card back was to travel to Xi'an where I had business with your bank initially.
With this in mind and very limited funds to my disposal, I travelled to Xi'an on 31 May and subsequently visited the bank situated in Gaoxin Lu to see if I could rectify the problem.
Unfortunately the very kind and polite staff at this bank told my that I had been given the incorrect information and that I instead had to travel to Urumqi to get my card back and gain access to the approximate total of 8 000 RMB that I still have left in your bank.
This was by no means a practical solution to my problem since I had no funds to accomplish this task and have had to subsequently fly back to South Africa, from where I am now currently writing you this email.
As you will understand I would desperately like to get my money back from your bank by any means possible – even if some sort of fee is required.
Your help in actualising my request will be greatly appreciated.
Please understand that I have worked hard teaching Chinese citizens of almost all ages in order to obtain this money and I would like to get it back.
Also, I believe that your bank is one of the most professional institutes of its kind in your country and I would definitely one day wish to make use of your services in the future.
I hereby will send you all the details I have in my possession and if there is anything else that you require of me please don't hesitate to contact me.
My bank card number is:6225 8899 1449 5421.
2) 308881029034.
Tertius Willemse Nel
ID Number: 7908095024086
Passport Number: 466484150