Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

March 2006

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Gome Repurchases Company Shares

China's leading electronics retailer GOME says it will purchase the 35% stake of the firm's chairman Wong Kwong-Yuan for HK$6.9 billion.

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Franchises In China Continue To Increase

Based on a survey report made by China Chain Store & Franchise Association, China had 2320 franchise systems by the end of 2005. This is 10.4% more than a year ago.

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Shanghai Ranks First In Catering Retail

Eastern Shanghai has replaced southern Guangzhou as China's top city in catering retail in 2005, according to the statistics issued by the Ministry of Commerce.

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ENZO Retail Chain Exceeds China Expectations

LJ International, one of the fastest-growing jewelry companies in the world, has released, for the first time ever, critical financial data detailing the progress of its new China retail division, ENZO. The chain, now with…

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Auchan Plans More Chinese Procurement

Auchan is to expand its procurement in China. The retailer held an event with procurement suppliers in the Tianjin Development Zone this week in a bid to source a greater number of products from north…

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Yao To Open Shanghai Outlet

A Yao Restaurant and Bar outlet, owned by basketball star Yao Ming, started construction on Tuesday in Shanghai's Jingan District.

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Wal-Mart Plans More China Hires

The chief executive of Wal-Mart Asia, Joe Hatfield, has disclosed that the retailer plans to take on 150,000 people in China over the next five years.

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Companies Eye Trust-Mart Buyout

Trust-Mart, a Taiwan-based mainland supermarket chain, has received buyout offers of more than US$1 billion each from Wal Mart, Britain's Tesco PLC, Carrefour SA and Shanghai-based Lianhua, The Standard reported.